David Knight Photography: Blog https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog en-us (C) David Knight Photography (David Knight Photography) Sat, 01 Feb 2025 16:12:00 GMT Sat, 01 Feb 2025 16:12:00 GMT https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/img/s/v-12/u15863433-o644874574-50.jpg David Knight Photography: Blog https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog 120 77 Saint Brigid's Day. https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/2/first-day-of-spring-2025  Saint Brigid's Day 

On the old Celtic calendar, today is Imbolc or the first day of Spring. It is also St Brigid's Day, a patron saint of this Island and an opportunity to celebrate nature, agriculture and the contribution of women. 

Our rural ancestors celebrated the day with a festive meal and a host of customs, all aimed at securing St Brigid’s protection and promise of new life and abundance for the year ahead.

The ancient goddess Brigid was associated with the main deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland, the mythical Tuatha Dé Danann. As a fertility goddess she had links to other spring deities across Europe associated with rebirth of nature.

The Christian church adopted the ancient Celtic feast days that were linked to nature and amalgamated them into the Christian calendar. St Brigid’s Day was one of the ‘quarter days’ that marked a transition from one season to the next.

074 Irish Flowers074 Irish Flowers 083 Irish Flowers083 Irish Flowers 120 Irish Flowers120 Irish Flowers

(David Knight Photography) Culture Heritage Landscape https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/2/first-day-of-spring-2025 Sat, 01 Feb 2025 16:08:58 GMT
Primula Candelabra naturalised in the woods at Lissadell. https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/1/primula-candelabra-naturalised-in-the-woods-at-lissadell Lissadell House and Gardens.

Primula Candelabra naturalised in the woods at Lissadell, bred 1890 by Sir Josslyn Gore-Booth.


0009 Inspirational Ireland0009 Inspirational Ireland 032_David Knight032_David Knight

(David Knight Photography) Culture Heritage Ireland Landscape https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/1/primula-candelabra-naturalised-in-the-woods-at-lissadell Wed, 29 Jan 2025 09:58:35 GMT
Harp Playing for the Turlough O'Carolan Harp Festival. https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/1/harp-playing-for-the-turlough-ocarolan-harp-festival Turlough O'Carolan Harp Festival

The O Carolan Harp and Traditional Music Festival has been held in Keadue since 1978 and was initiated to commemorate Turlough O Carolan

( 1670-1738 ) , the last of the Irish Bards. His remains are interred at Kilronan Cemetery which overlooks scenic Lough Meelagh on the outskirts of the village

Sophie Daly Harp (Prizewinner at O’Carolan Harp festival and Roscommon County Fleadh

champion) & Clodagh Daly (All-Ireland Tin Whistle Champion) Playing Turlough O'Carolan's - Eleanor Plunkett in Kilronan Castle recently .Video by David Knight. Please like and share

Watch out for the Turlough O'Carolan Harp Festival and Summer School 2025


O'Carolan Harp FestivalTurlough O'Carolan Harp Festival and Summer School.


(David Knight Photography) Culture Festival Harp Heritage Ireland Irish Music Traditional https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/1/harp-playing-for-the-turlough-ocarolan-harp-festival Mon, 27 Jan 2025 15:35:05 GMT
Turlough O;Carolan Harp Festival and Summer School 2025 https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/1/t The Turlough O'Carolan Harp Festival and Summer School is being held in Keadue ,Co.Roscommon from the 28th July -4th August 2025.The Festival was started in Keadue in 1978, to commemorate the famous Harper Turlough O’Carolan who lived in the area and is buried beside Keadue. Keadue is a small village of 200 people located on the shores of Lough Meelagh at the foot of the Arigna Mountains. The Festival includes Concerts, Ceili, Tuition on the Harp, Set Dancing, Harp Recitals and a Harp Competition sponsored every year since we began by local business Agrina Fuels.

Featured in this video is  Carolan's -Sí Bheag Sí Mhór-played by Declan Noone,Fiachra Guihen and Pádraig Sweeney. Watch out the Turlough O'Carolan Harp Festival and Summer School 2025 .Please like and share. Video by David Knight.

0003 O'Carolan Kilronan Roddys 19th Jan

(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Photographer photography Tourism https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/1/t Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:17:24 GMT
A Walk in Lough Key Forest Park https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/1/a-walk-in-lough-key-forest-park  Music in your mind

Lovely walk in Lough Key this morning with a new tune in my head ,Ned of the Hill by Eamonn an Chnoic played by friend Giancarrlo Castello on flute backed by myself on twelve string guitar.

Loiugh Key music videoLovely walk in Lough Key this morning with a new tune in my head ,Ned of the Hill by Eamonn an Chnoic played by friend Giancarrlo Castello on flute backed by myself on twelve string guitar.

(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Music Photographer photography Tourism https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/1/a-walk-in-lough-key-forest-park Sat, 11 Jan 2025 10:50:44 GMT
Snow arrives in the North West of Ireland https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/1/snow-arrives-in-the-north-west-of-ireland Snow arrives in Ireland.

There's a silence so loud that it's deafening,And the sun seems unusually bright. The world is awakening to a bitter cold morn,And a crystalline blanket of white.

 Snow David Knight Snow David KnightThere's a silence so loud that it's deafening, And the sun seems unusually bright. The world is awakening to a bitter cold morn And a crystalline blanket of white.  Snow David Knight Snow David KnightThere's a silence so loud that it's deafening, And the sun seems unusually bright. The world is awakening to a bitter cold morn And a crystalline blanket of white.  Snow David Knight Snow David KnightThere's a silence so loud that it's deafening, And the sun seems unusually bright. The world is awakening to a bitter cold morn And a crystalline blanket of white.  Snow David Knight Snow David KnightThere's a silence so loud that it's deafening, And the sun seems unusually bright. The world is awakening to a bitter cold morn And a crystalline blanket of white.  Snow David Knight Snow David KnightThere's a silence so loud that it's deafening, And the sun seems unusually bright. The world is awakening to a bitter cold morn And a crystalline blanket of white.  Snow David Knight Snow David KnightThere's a silence so loud that it's deafening, And the sun seems unusually bright. The world is awakening to a bitter cold morn And a crystalline blanket of white.  Snow David Knight Snow David KnightThere's a silence so loud that it's deafening, And the sun seems unusually bright. The world is awakening to a bitter cold morn And a crystalline blanket of white.  Snow David Knight Snow David KnightThere's a silence so loud that it's deafening, And the sun seems unusually bright. The world is awakening to a bitter cold morn And a crystalline blanket of white.

(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Photographer photography scenes snow Tourism https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2025/1/snow-arrives-in-the-north-west-of-ireland Wed, 08 Jan 2025 11:06:58 GMT
O'Carolan Harp Festival ,Co.Roscommon https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/ocarolan-harp-festival-co-roscommon  O'Carolan Harp Festival Keadue ,Co.Roscommon

I am delighted to be nominated onto the Keadue Harp Festival committee at a recent meeting of the committee,I look forward to working with the committee in the role of Public relations.

The O’Carolan Harp and Traditional Music Festival is held in Keadue, County Roscommon every August Bank Holiday.

The Festival was started in Keadue in 1978, to commemorate the famous Harper Turlough O’Carolan who lived in the area and is buried beside Keadue. Keadue is a small village of 200 people located on the shores of Lough Meelagh at the foot of the Arigna Mountains. The Festival includes Concerts, Ceili, Tuition on the Harp, Set Dancing, Harp Recitals and a Harp Competition sponsored every year since the festival  began by local business Arigna Fuels Ltd .


O'Carolan Harp Festival,Keadue ,Boyle,Co.RoscommonKeadue Harp Festival ,keadue, Roscommon_O'Carolan Harp Festival,Keadue ,Boyle,Co.Roscommon

(David Knight Photography) O'Carolan Co.Roscommon. Culture David Festival Harp Heritage Ireland Irish Keadue Knight Landscape https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/ocarolan-harp-festival-co-roscommon Sun, 29 Dec 2024 09:58:11 GMT
Happy Christmas https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/happy-christmas We would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy Christmas and a Happy New Year.

027 Ireland in the snow027 Ireland in the snow

(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Knight Landscape Snow https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/happy-christmas Tue, 24 Dec 2024 10:21:32 GMT
The Missing Guest music by Mick Mulvey and Shane Meehan https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/the-missing-guest-music-by-mick-mulvey-and-shane-meehan The Missing Guest music by Mick Mulvey and Shane Meehan.


Two great musicians are about to launch a great new CD called The Missing Guest. I got the chance to hear some of the tunes during a photo and video shoot recently in Cryans pub Carrick on Shannon . Here is a short clip . Make sure you get a copy ,the CD will be available in the New Year. 



Mick and Shane video

(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/the-missing-guest-music-by-mick-mulvey-and-shane-meehan Sat, 21 Dec 2024 10:42:24 GMT
Local Music legends from the North West of Ireland https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/local-music-legends-from-the-north-west-of-ireland Local Legends of Traditional Irish Music in the North West of Ireland.


It has been a great privilege to play and photograph some of the best Irish traditional musicians in our area .We have a great variety of music styles in the region.
Regional styles came into being because in the past Ireland was a remote, rural and poor country. Many musicians only heard the music of others in their locality and so were influenced to play similarly. Characterisitics that which determine styles include, phrasing, articulation, variation, favoured instruments and dance types and special performance techniques.
However, many players developed their own personal style of playing within these regions. Some regions have their own type of tunes they favour. e.g. The Sliabh Luachra area is famous for Polkas.

Sligo fiddlers generally used more ornamentation than others. They played very quickly and flowing with slurred bows. The fiddle playing of Sligo man Michael Coleman had a strong influence  over all the country, not just Sligo.
In Donegal, there was an emphasis on dexterity of bowing, with very even rhythms, mostly single bows creating an unmistekable staccato sound. -Tommy Peoples.
Sliabh Luachra- Extensive range of Polkas and Slides. Unique style of bowing can also be heard in their reels.
East Galway - known for it emphasis on melody.
Styles of piping varied from player to player not region to region.
Clare has always been the leader of piping tradition-Willie Clancy school.
Very popular in Sligo and Leitrim/Roscommon.  (Matt Molloy) Very fast pace and heavily ornamented. 


(David Knight Photography) Culture David from Heritage Ireland Knight Landscape legends Local Music North of the West https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/local-music-legends-from-the-north-west-of-ireland Wed, 18 Dec 2024 09:37:07 GMT
Cootehall Choral Christmas Concert https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/cootehall-choral-christmas-concert Choral Christmas Concert.

A great Choral Christmas Concert was held in Cootehall, Boyle Co.Roscommon last weekend . Three choirs took part The Serendipity Singers,The Nightingals and the Refugee Choir Carrick on Shannon .Musical director was Ilse Lubbers and piano was Derek Mahady. Photos by David Knight.

(David Knight Photography) Choral Christmas Concert Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Photographer photography Tourism https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/cootehall-choral-christmas-concert Mon, 16 Dec 2024 11:05:10 GMT
Irish Traditional Music Christmas Concert https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/irish-traditional-music-christmas-concert  Charity Christmas Concert by the Drumbshanbo Irish Traditional Music Course .

A great concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo last week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together. Photos by David Knight and Niko Ginter

 Christmas Concert from Irish Traditional Music Course in Drumbshanbo Christmas ConcertIrish Traditional Music Christmas Concert 

A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together A Christmas Concert 11 Christmas Concert edited gA reat concert was held  in the Mayflower Hall in  Drumshanbo week with the Drumshanbo Irish Trad. Course ,The Ballinamore bugs and Sing Together

(David Knight Photography) Christmas Concert Course Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Music photography https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/irish-traditional-music-christmas-concert Fri, 13 Dec 2024 19:09:30 GMT
Irish Bluebell Woods - part of Ireland's landscape and heritage https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/irish-bluebell-woods-part-of-irelands-landscape-and-heritage Nestled within the heart of Ireland’s enchanting landscape, Irish bluebell woods are a mesmerizing tapestry of natural beauty, heritage, and culture. These ancient woodlands, cloaked in delicate blue blossoms each spring, offer a vivid reminder of Ireland’s Celtic roots and deep connection to the land. The vibrant bluebells, thriving under the protective canopy of oak and hazel trees, have long been revered in Irish folklore, symbolizing resilience, love, and the ephemeral beauty of life.

Walking through these woods, you feel transported into a realm of tranquility and mystery. Sunlight filters through the leaves, casting dappled shadows over moss-covered paths, and the air is filled with birdsong. These forests have been guardians of Ireland's past, witnessing generations who honored the land through traditional crafts, music, and storytelling.

A tour of Ireland’s Celtic heritage is incomplete without exploring such serene havens. From the rolling hills of County Leitrim to the mythical landscapes of Glendalough, the bluebell woods are living treasures that weave together Ireland’s rich heritage and timeless culture. They serve as poignant reminders of our responsibility to preserve and celebrate the natural and cultural wealth of this ancient and storied land.



The Bluebell

The blue bell is the sweetest flower

That waves in summer air;

Its blossoms have the mightiest power

To soothe my spirit’s care.

There is a spell in purple heath

Too wildly, sadly dear;

The violet has a fragrant breath

But fragrance will not cheer.

The trees are bare, the sun is cold;

And seldom, seldom seen;

The heavens have lost their zone of gold

The earth its robe of green;

And ice upon the glancing stream

Has cast its sombre shade

And distant hills and valleys seem

In frozen mist arrayed —

The blue bell cannot charm me now

The heath has lost its bloom,

The violets in the glen below

They yield no sweet perfume.

But though I mourn the heather—bell

‘Tis better far, away;

I know how fast my tears would swell

To see it smile today;

And that wood flower that hides so shy

Beneath the mossy stone

Its balmy scent and dewy eye:

’Tis not for them I moan.

It is the slight and stately stem,

The blossom’s silvery blue,

The buds hid like a sapphire gem

In sheaths of emerald hue.

‘Tis these that breathe upon my heart

A calm and softening spell

That if it makes the tear—drop start

Has power to soothe as well.

For these I weep, so long divided

Through winter’s dreary day,

In longing weep—but most when guided

On withered banks to stray.

If chilly then the light should fall

Adown the dreary sky

And gild the dank and darkened wall

With transient brilliancy,

How do I yearn, how do I pine

For the time of flowers to come,

And turn me from that fading shine

To mourn the fields of home -

Poem by Emily Bronte - Photos by David Knight
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(David Knight Photography) Ancient gems hidden Ireland Ireland's Irish.Irish Landscape of photography Scenic views https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/12/irish-bluebell-woods-part-of-irelands-landscape-and-heritage Fri, 06 Dec 2024 15:09:44 GMT
Seoid Great Traditional music band from the North West https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/11/seoid-great-traditional-music-band-from-the-north-west Seoid Irish Traditional Music Group.

Enjoyed shooting video and photos for the Irish Trad.group Seoid in the Coleman Heirtage Centre ,Co.Sligo recently.

Seoid B+W videoSeoid Irish Trad, Music group

(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/11/seoid-great-traditional-music-band-from-the-north-west Wed, 27 Nov 2024 20:00:30 GMT
Irish Music Course Drumbshanbo performed a great concert in King House Boyle, https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/11/irish-music-course-drumbshanbo-performed-a-great-concert-in-king-house-boyle Irish Music Course Drumbshanbo performed a great concert in King House Boyle,
A great concert by the Drumbshanbo Irish Trad . Course in King House , Boyle this afternoon. Thanks to John Burke ,Tour Guide Mary and all the staff for a great day .

001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle

King House is a magnificently restored Georgian mansion located in Boyle, Co. Roscommon. Built in 1730 as the seat of the King family, a powerful landowning dynasty, the house later became a military barracks and recruiting depot for the famous Irish regiment of the British army, the Connaught Rangers. 

001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle 001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle

King House is a magnificently restored Georgian mansion located in Boyle, Co. Roscommon. Built in 1730 as the seat of the King family, a powerful landowning dynasty, the house later became a military barracks and recruiting depot for the famous Irish regiment of the British army, the Connaught Rangers. 


(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Photographer photography Tourism https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/11/irish-music-course-drumbshanbo-performed-a-great-concert-in-king-house-boyle Thu, 07 Nov 2024 09:20:18 GMT
Great O'Carolan Concert in Keadue,Co.Roscommon with Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihan https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/11/great-ocarolan-concert-in-keadue-co-roscommon-with-mossie-martin-and-fiachra-guihan Turlough O’Carolan (born 1670, near Nobber, County Meath, Ireland—died March 25, 1738, Alderford, County Roscommon) was one of the last Irish harpist-composers and the only one whose songs survive in both words and music in significant number (about 220 are extant).

The O’Carolan Harp and Traditional Music Festival is held in Keadue, County Roscommon every August Bank Holiday.

The Festival was started in Keadue in 1978, to commemorate the famous Harper Turlough O’Carolan who lived in the area and is buried beside  Keadue which is a small village of 200 people located on the shores of Lough Meelagh at the foot of the Arigna Mountains. The Festival includes Concerts, Ceili, Tuition on the Harp, Set Dancing, Harp Recitals and a Harp Competition.

Mossie Martin fiddle and Fiachra Guihen are local musicians who have grown up with Turlough O;Carolan's music ,they hosted a fantastic concert of playing his  music and recounting stories from his life. 

Turlough  O'Carolan Concert O'Carolan ConcertGreat O'Carolan Concert in Keadue last night with Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihan Turlough  O'Carolan Concert O'Carolan ConcertGreat O'Carolan Concert in Keadue last night with Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihan Turlough  O'Carolan Concert O'Carolan ConcertGreat O'Carolan Concert in Keadue last night with Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihan Turlough  O'Carolan Concert O'Carolan ConcertGreat O'Carolan Concert in Keadue last night with Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihan Turlough  O'Carolan Concert O'Carolan ConcertGreat O'Carolan Concert in Keadue last night with Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihan Turlough  O'Carolan Concert O'Carolan ConcertGreat O'Carolan Concert in Keadue last night with Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihan Turlough  O'Carolan Concert O'Carolan ConcertGreat O'Carolan Concert in Keadue last night with Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihan

(David Knight Photography) Culture Heritage.Ireland Ireland Irish Landscape https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/11/great-ocarolan-concert-in-keadue-co-roscommon-with-mossie-martin-and-fiachra-guihan Tue, 05 Nov 2024 19:42:10 GMT
Christ Church Cathedral, https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/10/christ-church-cathedral Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral, one of Dublin’s most iconic landmarks, is a masterpiece of medieval architecture and a symbol of the city’s rich history. Founded in 1030 by King Sitric Silkenbeard, the Norse King of Dublin, the cathedral stands on a site that has witnessed centuries of religious, political, and cultural evolution. Originally a wooden structure, it was later rebuilt in stone by the Normans, and throughout the centuries, it has undergone significant restorations, blending Gothic and Romanesque styles.


The cathedral’s grandeur is apparent as soon as you step inside. Its soaring ceilings, intricate stonework, and stunning stained-glass windows captivate visitors. The crypt, one of the oldest and largest in Ireland, houses a fascinating collection of historical artifacts, including the mummified remains of a cat and a rat, famously referred to as "Tom & Jerry," found trapped in the cathedral’s organ pipes.

Christ Church has been a site of both worship and pilgrimage for nearly a millennium. It served as the heart of the Church of Ireland and was central to the religious life of medieval Dublin. During the Reformation, it became a Protestant cathedral, reflecting the religious shifts of the time. Today, it remains a vital place of worship and a popular tourist attraction, welcoming visitors from all over the world.

The cathedral’s location in the heart of Dublin offers panoramic views of the city. Its bells, which ring out across the Liffey, are a reminder of Dublin’s ancient and ongoing relationship with its spiritual and cultural roots. Whether for its historical significance, architectural beauty, or peaceful atmosphere, Christ Church Cathedral is a must-see for anyone exploring the heritage of Dublin.


(David Knight Photography) Christ Church bell tower Christ Church Cathedral Dublin Christ Church crypt Dublin Christ Church events Dublin Christ Church historical site Christ Church medieval artifacts Christian heritage Dublin Church of Ireland Dublin Dublin cathedral tours Dublin city heritage sites Dublin cultural attractions Dublin religious sites Dublin tourist attractions Gothic architecture Dublin Historic Dublin landmarks Medieval cathedral Dublin Pilgrimage sites Dublin Romanesque architecture Dublin Stained glass Christ Church Dublin Viking history Dublin https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/10/christ-church-cathedral Tue, 22 Oct 2024 18:48:38 GMT
Drumbshanbo Irish Music Course performed a great concert in King House Boyle. https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/10/russborough-house Drumbshanbo Irish Music Course performed a great concert in King House Boyle.

001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle001 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle

A great concert was performed  by the Drumbshanbo Irish Trad . Course in King House , Boyle this afternoon. Thanks to John Burke ,Tour Guide Mary and all the staff for a great day .

002 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle002 Irish Trad Course Concert BoyleDining room King House 003 blog003 blog

King House is a magnificently restored Georgian mansion located in Boyle, Co. Roscommon. Built in 1730 as the seat of the King family, a powerful landowning dynasty, the house later became a military barracks and recruiting depot for the famous Irish regiment of the British army, the Connaught Rangers. 



Irish music coursePaintings King House ,BoylePaintings King House ,Boyle 005 blog005 blog

Russborough House is not only a historical monument but also a cultural hub. Today, it offers visitors guided tours, art exhibitions, and educational programs. Its sprawling estate includes a maze, a bird of prey center, and woodland trails, providing a variety of activities for all ages. The house and grounds are also frequently used for film and television productions due to their picturesque beauty.

008 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle008 Irish Trad Course Concert Boyle

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(David Knight Photography) Irish Heirtage King House Boyle https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/10/russborough-house Tue, 22 Oct 2024 18:40:35 GMT
Iron Mountain Writers Festival ,Co.Leitrim. https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/10/iron-mountain-writers-festival-co-leitrim PEACE, WAR AND THE MUSIC OF WHAT HAPPENS



Writers Kevin Barry, Neil Jordan, Nelofer Pazira-Fisk and Ronan McGreevy are among the guests at this year’s Iron Mountain Literature Festival which takes place in the Dock in Carrick-on-Shannon on the weekend of October 4th to 6th. 

The festival will explore themes of conflict and peace-making, with Derry peacemaker Denis Bradley to read from his memoir ‘Peace Comes Dropping Slow: My Life in the Troubles’, and Guardian journalist Rory Carroll discussing his book ‘Killing Thatcher: The IRA, The Manhunt and the Long War on the Crown.’ 

Nelofer Pazira-Fisk will discuss ‘Night of Power: The Betrayal of the Middle East’, the final book by her late husband, the celebrated journalist Robert Fisk, who worked in Belfast from 1972-1975 and later became an Irish citizen. The ongoing controversy over the history of the IRA kidnapping of Don Tidey in 1983 and the events at Derrada Wood in Ballinamore will be discussed by co-author Ronan McGreevy.

IMPAC Dublin award-winner Kevin Barry (known for his short story ‘The Coast of Leitrim’) will read from his new novel ‘The Heart in Winter’, set in Butte, Montana in 1891 and described by Colum McCann as ‘a great big rollicking ballad of a novel.’ Novelist and film director Neil Jordan (‘Michael Collins’, ‘The Company of Wolves’, ‘The Butcher Boy’) will read from and discuss his memoir, ‘Amnesiac’ while award-winning Galway writer Caoilinn Hughes will read from ‘The Alternatives’ her highly-praised third novel set largely in North Leitrim.

Poet Mary O’Malley appears at the festival for the first time, reading from her new collection ‘The Shark Nursery’ with an additional selection of her fine poems on music. Music is also at the heart of the work of Jude Rogers, Welsh writer who will read from and talk about her book ‘The Sound of Being Human: How Music Shapes Our Lives’.
The Iron Mountain Literature Festival is also pleased to welcome Omagh-born novelist and newspaper columnist Martina Devlin who will read from her new novel ‘Charlotte’, based on the life story of Charlotte Bronte, author of Jane Eyre, who had strong family connections to Ireland. 

The festival will also feature readings and music in Skerry Rynn’s bar and grocers’ with the Iron Mountain Session, part of the Ballinaglera Traditional Music Weekend.


" Iron Mountain Festival","Ireland", Iron Mountain FestivalIron Mountain Writers Festival " Iron Mountain Festival","Ireland", Iron Mountain FestivalIron Mountain Writers Festival " Iron Mountain Festival","Ireland", Iron Mountain FestivalIron Mountain Writers Festival " Iron Mountain Festival","Ireland", Iron Mountain FestivalIron Mountain Writers Festival " Iron Mountain Festival","Ireland", Iron Mountain FestivalIron Mountain Writers Festival " Iron Mountain Festival","Ireland", Iron Mountain FestivalIron Mountain Writers Festival " Iron Mountain Festival","Ireland", Iron Mountain FestivalIron Mountain Writers Festival " Iron Mountain Festival","Ireland", Iron Mountain FestivalIron Mountain Writers Festival " Iron Mountain Festival","Ireland", Iron Mountain FestivalIron Mountain Writers Festival " Iron Mountain Festival","Ireland", Iron Mountain FestivalIron Mountain Writers Festival

(David Knight Photography) Co.Leitrim. Culture Festival Ireland Irish Iron Mountain Writers https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/10/iron-mountain-writers-festival-co-leitrim Mon, 07 Oct 2024 09:58:18 GMT
Unveiling of plaque to commemorate Joe Mooney in Drumshanbo , Co.Leitrim https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/9/unveiling-of-plaque-to-commemorate-joe-mooney-in-drumshanbo-co-leitrim  The town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque at Acres lake amienity area .
The town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area .

Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend.

Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world.

The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county.

 Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T  Joe Mooney,Irish music,LeitrimJoe Mooney Memorial in Drumshanbo ,Co.LeitrimThe town of Drumshanbo paid tribute to Joe Mooney and his family with the erection of a memorial plaque and sign at Acres lake amienity area . Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend. Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world. The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county. T

Joe Mooney was a founding member of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), serving as Chairman of the Connacht Council of CCE for ten years. He was also a founding member of the national cultural festival known as An Tóstal started in 1953 to extend the tourist season by encouraging towns and villages across Ireland to present a week-long series of events reflective of their area. Drumshanbo is now the only town in Ireland where the An Tóstal festival continues to this day each June bank holiday weekend.

Following his death, a local committee decided to commence a Summer School in Mooney's memory and today the Annual Joe Mooney Summer School attracts many people from all over the world.

The Drumshanbo Vocational School also stands as a memorial to Joe Mooney who persuaded the then government during his time as a Senator to build a second level school in the town. It is now the largest vocational school in the county.



(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Photographer photography Tourism https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/9/unveiling-of-plaque-to-commemorate-joe-mooney-in-drumshanbo-co-leitrim Sun, 29 Sep 2024 12:44:29 GMT
Ryan Sheridan, County Sligo All Ireland winner of the Button accordion competition https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/9/ryan-sheridan-county-sligo-all-ireland-winner-of-the-button-accordion-competition Ryan Sheridan wins All Ireland Fleadh 2024 Button Accordion Competition.

Ryan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Photos David Knight
Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub  Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub  Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub  Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub  Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub  Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub  Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub  Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub  Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub  Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub  Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had . Ryan SheridanRyan Sheridan, County Sligo winner of the Button accordion competition at the All -Ireland Fleadh 2024 celebrated his win in Cryans pub Carrick-on - Shannon on Saturday night ,a great night of music was had .

(David Knight Photography) All Culture Fleadh Heritage Ireland Irish Music https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/9/ryan-sheridan-county-sligo-all-ireland-winner-of-the-button-accordion-competition Tue, 24 Sep 2024 18:41:05 GMT
Ballinamore Culture Night https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/9/ballinamore-culture-night Leitrim’s “Rakes of Music” Launched on Culture Night
Ballinamore Library was filled with “rakes of music” for Culture Night last Friday as
traditional artists Lorraine and Noel Sweeney, Brian Mostyn, Kate O’ Reilly, Conor Ward,
Ailíse and Fionnuala Maxwell and Tara Kelly provided tunes, songs and a few steps to launch
Leitrim Library’s new online archive of Leitrim music.
The “Rakes of Music” collection curated by traditional singer, Fionnuala Maxwell, will allow
the general public online access to a lot of music that Leitrim has produced over many
centuries. From songs and music dedicated to the O’ Rourke’s of Breifne to manuscripts of
tunes that were passed on by various fiddle masters, ballads that addressed the local
political as well as personal and humorous events, dances that were performed on
particular occasions, myriads of fife and drum bands that were established throughout the
county, the many early musical recordings of Leitrim emigrants in America – this collection
gives access to recordings, articles, pictures and footage that paints a picture of the cultural
history of Leitrim and brings to life much of the musical material from the shelves and
archives of Leitrim Library’s Local Studies section.
On Culture Night, musicians paid homage to people like the great O’Carolan whose first
tune “Sí Bheag Sí Mhór” was inspired by Squire Reynolds of Lough Scur and the scenery and
folklore of Leitrim. They also acknowledged musicians and collectors such as Ballinamore’s
Hugh O’ Beirne and fiddle masters, Stephen Grier and Alex Sutherland. Tunes were
performed from the vast selection of those recorded by Oliver O’ Higgins of local Cloone
musicians and the Sweeney family was on hand to regale the audience with tales from their
family’s musical history. There were songs by Aughoo’s Phil McGoohan with a few steps
thrown in to celebrate the rich variety of culture in the county.
Rakes of Music, which was supported by Leitrim County Council and Creative Ireland is
now available to view online at https://leitrimdoc.ie/rakes-of-music/

 Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept0079 Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept-17Ballinamore Culture night in Ireland  Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept0079 Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept-17Ballinamore Culture night in Ireland  Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept0079 Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept-17Ballinamore Culture night in Ireland  Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept0079 Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept-17Ballinamore Culture night in Ireland  Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept0079 Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept-17Ballinamore Culture night in Ireland  Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept0079 Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept-17Ballinamore Culture night in Ireland  Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept0079 Ballinamore Culture Night 20th Sept-17Ballinamore Culture night in Ireland

(David Knight Photography) https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/9/ballinamore-culture-night Sat, 21 Sep 2024 08:19:21 GMT
O'Carolan Harp Music https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/9/ocarolan-harp-music Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihen photographed for their Turlough O'Carolan project which they are currently working on .Two of the best musicians I know wonderful to spend the afternoon with them playing music and taking photos .Good luck with the project. "O'Carolan Harp music " ,"Irish Music","Ireland",140 Mossie & FiachraWatch out for two great musicians playing O.Carolans Harp music Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihen from Keadue Co.Roscommon "O'Carolan Harp music " ,"Irish Music","Ireland",140 Mossie & FiachraWatch out for two great musicians playing O.Carolans Harp music Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihen from Keadue Co.Roscommon "O'Carolan Harp music " ,"Irish Music","Ireland",140 Mossie & FiachraWatch out for two great musicians playing O.Carolans Harp music Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihen from Keadue Co.Roscommon "O'Carolan Harp music " ,"Irish Music","Ireland",140 Mossie & FiachraWatch out for two great musicians playing O.Carolans Harp music Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihen from Keadue Co.Roscommon "O'Carolan Harp music " ,"Irish Music","Ireland",140 Mossie & FiachraWatch out for two great musicians playing O.Carolans Harp music Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihen from Keadue Co.Roscommon dd "O'Carolan Harp music " ,"Irish Music","Ireland",140 Mossie & FiachraWatch out for two great musicians playing O.Carolans Harp music Mossie Martin and Fiachra Guihen from Keadue Co.Roscommon

(David Knight Photography) Culture Knight Landscape photography https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/9/ocarolan-harp-music Sun, 15 Sep 2024 08:53:11 GMT
Good times in Ireland, Volvo Ocean Race, Galway. https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/good-times-in-ireland-volvo-ocean-race-galway One thing we do know how to do well is have a great party and celebrate the finish of the Volvo Ocean Race in Galway in 2012. Photo David Knight 

001_ volvo001_ volvo

(David Knight Photography) Culture David Galway Heritage Ireland Knight Landscape Ocean Race Volvo https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/good-times-in-ireland-volvo-ocean-race-galway Sat, 24 Aug 2024 13:30:50 GMT
Enjoy Ireland https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/enjoy-ireland Now one of the great things in Ireland when it is a damp and wet evening is to find a great old pub with a cosy fire and have a delicious pint of Guinness. Enjoy Ireland! Ireland,Guinness, Relaxing IrelandEnjoy IrelandLovely pint of Guinness beside the fire.

(David Knight Photography) cosy Culture David fire Guinness Knight Landscape Photographer photography https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/enjoy-ireland Fri, 23 Aug 2024 20:03:49 GMT
Inspirational Irish Music and Images https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/inspirational-irish-music-and-images   Inspirational Irish Music and Images of Ireland .

Enjoy this gallery where you can see a selection of David Knight photography from his archives, accompanied by music played by the Irish Traditional group Rakish. Tune by Joanie Madden, " The Waves of Kilkee."      Press play button to start.  Calming Music and Images of IrelandIrish Music and Images

(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Photographer https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/inspirational-irish-music-and-images Wed, 21 Aug 2024 10:55:17 GMT
34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Traditional Music and Song. https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/34th-joe-mooney-summer-school-traditional-music-and-song
The 34th Joe Mooney Summer School -Traditional Music,Song and Dance.

The 34th Joe Mooney Summer School in Drumshanbo, a festival of traditional music, song and dance, was a great success. Over sixty tutors conducted classes covering thirteen different musical instruments as well as various styles of singing and dancing. Classes ran from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every day and hundreds of students from all over the world flocked to this picturesque County Leitrim town to improve their musical, singing and dancing skills.

Apart from the daily classes, there were a host of activities including informative talks, workshops, recitals, céilithe and sessions to enjoy throughout the week.

One of the great highlights of the week was undoubtedly the Grand Traditional Concert on Thursday last when all the tutors congregated in different groupings to provide a feast of unforgettable music, song and dance.

Nestling between the Arigna Mountains and Sliabh an Iarainn and situated on the southern tip of Lough Allen, the town of Drumshanbo has much to offer including the Shannon Blueway along with its many walkways, waterways and cycling trails.Photos David Knight.



 Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.  Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,County Leitrim,IrishTraditional Music,Ireland ,David Knight,Joe Mooney Summer School34th Joe Mooney Summer School,Drumbshanbo,Co.Leitrim,Ireland.

(David Knight Photography) county culture heritage ireland irish joe knight landscape leitrim mooney music school summer https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/34th-joe-mooney-summer-school-traditional-music-and-song Wed, 21 Aug 2024 10:31:24 GMT
O'Carolan Harp Festival, Keadue, County Roscommon, Ireland https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/ocarolan-harp-festival-keadue-county-roscommon-ireland O'Carolan Harp Festival, Keadue,County Roscommon, Ireland.

The vibrant village of Keadue has come alive with the sounds of traditional Irish
music as the esteemed Carolan Harp Festival and Summer School commenced
on July 29th, 2024. This iconic celebration, which continued until August 5th,and
honors the rich legacy of the legendary harper Turlough O'Carolan and draws
musicians, artists, and enthusiasts from across the globe.


 O'Carolan Harp Festival 2024,Irish Harp,Irish Music,Ireland,David Knight Photographer,O'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,irelandO'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,ireland  O'Carolan Harp Festival 2024,Irish Harp,Irish Music,Ireland,David Knight Photographer,O'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,irelandO'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,ireland  O'Carolan Harp Festival 2024,Irish Harp,Irish Music,Ireland,David Knight Photographer,O'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,irelandO'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,ireland  O'Carolan Harp Festival 2024,Irish Harp,Irish Music,Ireland,David Knight Photographer,O'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,irelandO'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,ireland  O'Carolan Harp Festival 2024,Irish Harp,Irish Music,Ireland,David Knight Photographer,O'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,irelandO'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,ireland  O'Carolan Harp Festival 2024,Irish Harp,Irish Music,Ireland,David Knight Photographer,O'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,irelandO'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,ireland  O'Carolan Harp Festival 2024,Irish Harp,Irish Music,Ireland,David Knight Photographer,O'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,irelandO'Carolan Harp Festival ,Keadue,County Roscommon,ireland

(David Knight Photography) Culture David DavidKnightPhotographer Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/ocarolan-harp-festival-keadue-county-roscommon-ireland Tue, 20 Aug 2024 11:18:12 GMT
Blue Woods ,Ireland https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/blue-woods-ireland  

There is a crack, a crack in everything That's how the light gets in.


 Let every dawn be to you as the beginning of life, and every setting sun be to you as its close. Change, like sunshine, can be a friend or a foe, a blessing or a curse, a dawn or a dusk. There is only one day left, always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk.

0004 Floral0004 Floral

(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Photographer https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/blue-woods-ireland Tue, 20 Aug 2024 10:53:28 GMT
The Burren,Co.Clare,Ireland. https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/the-burren-co-clare-ireland  Old  Irish Words of Wisdom.

An rud nach fiú é a lorg, ní fiú í a fháil — What is not worth seeking, is not worth finding. Ní neart go cur le chéile — Find strength in unity. Beidh lá eile ag an bPaorach — Live to fight another day. Maireann croí éadrom i bhfad — A light heart lives longest.
Burren,County Clare,Ireland,Irish Landscape,Heitrage,Irish HeirtageThe Burren,Co.ClareBurren ,Co.Clare Ireland

(David Knight Photography) Clare County Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/the-burren-co-clare-ireland Mon, 19 Aug 2024 15:01:22 GMT
Irish Music https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/irish-music Irish Music.

Irish music dates back hundreds of years and flourishes today throughout the world. Probably Ireland's greatest ambassador, it speaks so directly to the heart of man's universal suffering, for Ireland is a sad tale of death, famine and slavery over the centuries forced to feed an Empire.  As nothing could be written down, on pain of death, her songs bear the hardest sufferings, love most cruelly torn, to coded messages contained that one day they would love again. 0013 Irish People0013 Irish People

(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Photographer photography Tourism https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/irish-music Thu, 15 Aug 2024 14:24:48 GMT
Irish Heirtage https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/irish-heirtage Irish Heirtage 

In  Ireland it is all too easy to feel transported back to another time.  It's ancient monuments hark back to a mysterious time where men could perfectly align with the stars to let portals of light shine through tunnels at the exact moments of the solstices of the seasons. The surrounding lands being of the most breathtaking beauty.  Harvest rituals and festivals are still celebrated today from these times.


click to play the slideshow and hear the audio

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(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Photographer photography Tourism https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/irish-heirtage Thu, 15 Aug 2024 14:01:19 GMT
Inspirational Ireland https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/inspirational-ireland 0001 Inspirational Ireland0001 Inspirational Ireland 0002 Inspirational Ireland0002 Inspirational Ireland

0005 Inspirational IrelandInishmurray Island Inishmurray Island Co. Sligo Ireland

Ireland is renowned for it's breath-taking panoramic beauty,  it's ancient mountains, rivers, forests, lakes and shore, and the fun to be had from it's people wherever you might find yourself in their company.  It holds hidden within, however an even more remarkable story, in how this came to be.

David Knight is a photographer whose passion is for the Deep Heart of Ireland.

it is evident in his images,  his love of people, culture, Irish Heritage and in the community in which he plays  music with family and friends.

David is someone who can take each of the strands that make up the Irish Psyche and weave them into a picture that we can see, hear and experience.

Come with us and experience the Ireland that we know.


(David Knight Photography) Culture David Heritage Ireland Irish Knight Landscape Photographer photography Tourism https://www.davidknightphotographer.com/blog/2024/8/inspirational-ireland Wed, 14 Aug 2024 13:53:31 GMT